Thursday, 28 February 2013

"BEAUTY & BEYOND" Content page

This is my final production of "Beauty & Beyond" content page. In terms of comparison,  as you can see there are similar conventions from my final production compared to my research.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

InStyle Content Page Anaylsis

This is an analysis of InStyle Magazine's content page and analysing this content page made me acknowledge what i would want  to feature in my content page, how many columns to have on the content page, how i would layout my articles by breaking down my articles into it's own category as well as the placement of photograph taken by me.

Friday, 18 January 2013

As Part of my pre-production, i also done an analysis on one of InStyle magazine front cover featuring Cameron Diaz. This is my second magazine analysis and from this i learnt that different magazine have different messages sent across to its audience, compared to cosmopolitan, Instyle has the positive denotation of showcasing cuteness to its audience by using an image of Cameron Diaz in a very cute pose, surrounded with subtle colouring and has the connotation of friendliness, sophistication and innocence being portrayed. This are the key point i will consider while producing my magazine. 

Cosmopolitan Article Analysis

This is my Cosmopolitan Analysis Article as you can see i analysed the key points such as the image being used, the messages sent across to its audiences, use of fonts, typography as well as layouts. Taking part in this analysis made me understand that magazines have a purpose for the use of each terminologies i just mentioned. 

Cosmopolitan Magazine Content Page Analysis

i done an analysis from one of cosmopolitan magazine's content page and analyzing  this content page made me acknowledge what i would want to feature in my content page, how many columns to have on the content page, how i would break down my articles into it's own category as well as placement of images taken by me. 

Cosmopolitan Magazine Front Cover Analysis

For my production, i had to analyse women magazine in full detail. Analyzing this enabled me to have an idea of knowing ways in which cosmopolitans magazine became popular. i have done a textual analysis focusing on the media terminology of magazines such as the ways in which it targets its audiences, the sell lines, mode of address direct or indirect, colour scheme and the use of a well known celebrity to sell the magazine.